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How to Prepare Your Home for an Electric Vehicle

Electric vehicles (EVs) are very popular nowadays. Getting an electric vehicle is a dream come true for many. Electric vehicles offer many advantages, like reducing your carbon footprint and having lower maintenance costs compared to gasoline cars. However, when buying a new car, most people don’t usually think about getting their home ready for it. If you’re thinking about buying an electric car, you need to prepare for setting up your home to accommodate your new EV. Here are a few steps you need to take to ensure your home is ready.

Decide on a Charging Type

There are different types of EV chargers available in the market for home use. First, you need to understand which charger is best for your vehicle. Generally, there are two types: Level 1 and Level 2. Level 1 charger is a basic level charger that comes with most of the vehicles. It utilizes 120 volts and can take days to fully charge your car. It’s a convenient option if you have limited driving needs. On the other hand, the level 2 charger is a powerhouse. It uses 240 volts, the same as other appliances in your home. It offers fast charging. You can get 60-200 miles of range in just 30 minutes of level 2 charging. This is ideal for those who drive more frequently. 

Assess Your Electrical System

The next step towards making your home ready for EV is to assess the electric system of your home. Before you install an EV charger, you need to check how much electricity your home consumes. Most of the new homes come with 100-amp breakers. Make sure to assess if your electrical panel has enough capacity to support a Level 2 EV charger. This is really essential to ensure you’re not overloading your power system. 

Hire an Electrician

If you’re unable to assess the electrical system of your home or you’ve any concerns regarding power consumption, you can hire a professional electrician. They can advise you on the most suitable charger for your needs. They can also inspect your electrical panel and determine if any upgrades are necessary. 

Find the Perfect Charging Spot

Once you have selected the charger and assessed your electrical system, you can now find the perfect spot for charger installation. The ideal location for the charger is near the place where you park the car daily, which is mostly a garage. You should make sure you have enough space around the charging unit so you can move easily and avoid tripping. Clear out the garage if there are any unnecessary things in it. 

Install the Charger

The final step is to install the EV charger. It’s important to hire a professional for the EV Charging Station Installation, as proper installation ensures safety and efficiency. A qualified electrician will ensure the charger is properly connected to your home’s electrical system, following all safety rules. They will also check if the charger works well to guarantee a smooth charging experience.

the authorThomas